Corporate conferences, personal and professional development trainings, networking events Where do they shop? Premium online stores (eg eMAG, FashionDays), physical stores of well-known brands, boutiques Do they have any relevant hobbies? Travelling, reading, wellness activities like yoga or pilates, cooking or wine tasting Key values What matters to them in making a decision? Quality, reviews of other users, authenticity, origin of the product
What are the main values they emphasize? Authenticity, quality, unique design, sustainability What are their fears about purchasing the product or service? The product should not be genuine, the price should not reflect the quality, the product warranty Goals and Belgium WhatsApp Number Data challenges What are their personal and professional goals? Professional growth, maintaining a balance between professional and personal life How and where do your products and services contribute to them? The products offer a premium look and high quality, emphasizing confidence and elegance. Is it feasible for small businesses to model buyer personas
It is absolutely obvious why for large businesses, which have a wide range of products and services and address the needs of large segments of consumers, building profiles for ideal customers is very important. for very small enterprises (SMEs) or for those constituted by one person (solopreneur)? After all, you clearly know who your customers are, so this might be a waste of time. Even if you know who your target market is, a little more nuance and a clear definition of what you're after is always helpful. Let's say you're a personal trainer who offers advice on maintaining muscle tone and body weight through your website and blog. Obviously, you'll want to attract clients who are interested in attending a personal trainer's online classes.